A Look Inside My Writing:

“Exposure” started through a camera lens. Testing different mediums is not only key to creating new art, but a refresher for my word-weary-brain.

“Times Square During Covid” was a school project, but one that evolved with the pandemic (as all our lives did). It highlights themes of nature and resilience in the face of hardship.

“Eurydice’s Escape” is yet another twist on a classic greek myth. With darker themes that represent unheard voices in domestic violence stories, the story is retold.

Panic is a short story about one of my first panic attacks. Though prose isn’t normally my style, a short story felt appropriate for the tunnel-vision-effect I felt in that moment.

An Ode to My Mother’s Heels

A true story about a pair of shoes my mom lent me (and never took back), and one of my first experiences as a girl in men’s eyes.

“To the Photon” was inspired by my study of physics at University; we focused on relativity, space travel, and science-fiction! Highlighting the similarities between my favorite fields of science and literature, this poem mimics the theoreticals found in that seminar.

“Octopus” is a titular theme. It is simple, evocative, and weaves its way into your ear with lyricism best experienced aloud.

The poem “Gilded” is another rooted in classic Greek mythology. Midas is the well known king cursed for his cruelty, who turns his daughter to gold; here the curse comes from putting on too much eyeshadow.